Feminine Care
The alternative is our reusable Cloth petals. They are healthier with a leak barrier, more comfortable and cost effective. Findings show that the average women spend approximately $18,171on her menstrual cycle in a lifetime. Our petals are easy to clean and also have fun prints to choose from. Treat your body, your environment and your wallet with love. Choose Taharah Shalah Essentials Pretty Petals today!
Because of highly toxic and environmental pollutant dioxin, many health conscience women are returning to reusable cloth sanitary options. You may wonder what dioxin is right? It is an impossible pollutant to avoid, as small traces of it can be found everywhere on this planet. However the concern is that large traces of it can be found in disposable sanitary napkins, tampons, pantyliners and diapers. Chlorine dioxide is more powerful than household bleach. It is used in s bleaching process when these essential products are manufactured. When this process is complete the paper products are ladened with dioxin. It is also a human carcinogen therefore extremely toxic which can cause extreme health risk to the reproductive organs and immune system over time.
Did you Know?
Pretty Petals
Our approach is to be safe, healthy and environmentally friendly. We provide reusable sanitary petals for your feminine needs.The alternative is Taharah shalah Essential's Reusable sanitary Pretty Petals. They are healthier,contain a breathable and eco-friendly leak resistant layer called PUL or polyurethane laminate. They are also comfortable and cost effective. Findings show that the average women spends approximately $18,171 on her menstrual cycle in a lifetime.Our Pretty Petals are easy to clean and you also have fun prints to choose from. Treat you body, the environment and your wallet with love. Choose Pretty Petals today!